Best Motivational Chalkboard Quotes for the Creative DIY Diva in You
Motivational quotes can offer strength and encouragement when we need them most. Inspiring quotes come in many forms and deal with many topics, but when it comes to finding words to boost my creative energy, I often struggle. There are days when the DIY diva in me wants to just lock herself in the bedroom and pull the covers over her head. I know this is typical. After all, we are only human and we all struggle for inspiration.
For some people, motivational and inspirational quotes can do the trick. And quotes on chalkboards look amazing anywhere.
How Can I Get Inspired?
It starts with looking into yourself to understand what drives you. I know in my heart that it is the desire to share a beautiful living space with my family that gets my DIY juices flowing. Still, sometimes I need that extra nudge, and chalkboard art is always there to back me up!
With liquid chalk markers on hand and an empty chalkboard in front of me, I am ready to write my worries away. The quote “Creativity Takes Courage” is one of my favorites and helps me get through any rough day.
I often wonder, how can such a simple quote inspire me so much? I started out just writing simple words with a white liquid chalk marker on a black chalkboard. Each day, I looked at the board and challenged myself to add more color to it. Little by little, I became more motivated to get creative once again!
You Just Got to Believe
You can do the same! When you are feeling down, try playing around with some liquid chalk markers. They may just help you get out of your creative rut. Just believe in yourself. Hey, there's a motivational saying for your chalkboard right there!
The world has an endless supply of inspirational words for your chalkboards—and other non-porous surfaces around the house! Pretty soon, your creative eye will open up and you'll be coming up with new ideas to tackle those decor challenges you've been stewing about for months.
Make sure you put your chalkboard quotes in places where you will see them every day. The coffee table in the the living room can be a great place to start. You can use vinyl sheets as your base. Every time you have your morning or afternoon coffee, your motivational chalk art will remind you that your creativity will never run dry. And pretty soon, you will pick up your DIY tools of the trade and get started on the next project, like the creative soul that you are meant to be.
Creativity is meant for everybody. Who said arts and crafts are for kids only? Here is one quote that many creatives live by: “The Creative Adult Is The Child Who Survived” by Ursula K. LeGuin.
And don't forget that inspirational quotes aren't just for you. If you know someone who is feeling down in the dumps, you can boost their spirits by setting some inspiring chalk art words around their home or workplace.
Chalkboard quotes are great personal reminders and awesome gifts for friends and family members. Liquid chalk markers are not just for drawing and coloring alone. They can be tools for inspiration and motivation to push everyone to go a little further and do a little better every day!
Try making chalkboard quotes and chalkboard art today with liquid chalk markers, and push your creativity to greater heights!