This week's Artist Spotlight features sign artist and calligrapher Erinn Foglesong, who began her artistic journey as the annoying little sister in awe of everything big sister did. When her older sister exhibited artistic talent and a love of arts and crafts, Erinn couldn't wait to get her hands on all those amazing colors and textures, too. She would not be denied, and that stubbornness catapulted her toward her artistic career today.
Some notable facts about Erinn: First, surprisingly, she has never taken an art class! Second, she owns a hand-lettering business called Lexington Lettering, LLC, with a large and growing following on Instagram. And third, she's a self-taught calligrapher.
Back when Erinn began drawing as a young girl, her older sister was the "real artist" in the family, drawing cartoon characters and portraits of people. Erinn wanted to imitate her childhood role model in everything she did. To this day, she credits her older sister as the reason she got into art.
One day a few years later, Erinn dove head first into calligraphy and never looked back. She is now thriving in her career as a freelance calligrapher. She gets most of her orders via referrals and special requests. Her fortes include back-to-school projects, chalkboard wedding themes, and funky and fun birthday chalkboards her clients love.
It took Erinn over 20 years to become the masterful artist she is today. For her, patience makes good art. She says that's why developing her unique craft has taken so long, but it's totally worth it. She stresses the fact that developing and practicing your own distinctive style is a huge factor in achieving artistic success as well. Her advice to up-and-coming artists is simple: "Practice, practice, practice!" And remember, comparison is the thief of joy, so try not to compare yourself to other artists. Focus on your own path instead.
Find more of Errin's work and connect with her at Lexington_Lettering.
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