Article: How To Bring Chalk Art to Life

How To Bring Chalk Art to Life
Get some amazing tips and tricks to bring your next Chalk Art or Chalkboard project to life!
Sketch out your idea
It is always good to draw your idea on, but not limited to, a piece of paper before starting. This allows you to make many mistakes or revisions. Imagine having to do all those revisions on your precious chalk board or label!
Use References for your Pictures or Fonts
Search for awesome images or fonts that you could draw as well. There is no need to make your label complicated though! Sometimes, simplicity is the best.
Use a Level to Keep Things Straight
A level acts as an invisible ruler to help you write straight. Some levels that you can use are a ruler, bookmark, small books, cards, and many more!
Q-Tips Can Help!
Use a damp Q-Tip to clean up certain areas of your art or create a smudged effect.
The Secret of Bringing Chalk to Life: HAVE FUN!!!
Having fun starts by NOT stressing yourself out in making it perfect. After all, chalk is meant to be erased - but the enjoyment of drawing can never be replaced. 😄
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