Top 5 Chalk Artists You Need On Your Instagram Feed
@davidzinn is the master when it comes to sidewalk chalk art. Zinn creates eye-catching artwork that plays with perspective and depth, all while using adorable animals making his posts an instant instagram scroll stopper! Put his amazing work on your wall, they are available for purchase at http://zinnart.com/store/!
@ddccad or Danger Dust, uses chalk to make vibrant letterings and design. You will not believe the art pieces were made with chalk, the pieces are so good that they look like they were done with markers! Don’t forget to also check out Danger Dust’s hyperlapse videos that really show off why @ddccad is Danger Dust! Be sure to check out Danger Dust’s Etsy to purchase prints dangerdust.etsy.com!
@mirrorsme is a self proclaimed born doodler that takes the #MirrorSelfie to a whole another level! By using chalk ink markers this Norwegian artist is spicing up bathroom mirrors all over Norway. Encouraging #MirrorSelfie ‘s and making them less shameful to post. Check out her website https://mirrorsme.no for business inquiries.
@valeriemckeehan is the author of The Complete Book of Chalk Lettering, so of course she has to be on this list! @valeriemckeehan brings colorful and summery posts that will make you stop and scream aesthetics! She combines chalk with fun DIY projects that will make the Pinterest-er in you want to try them! Be sure to check out https://lilyandval.com to purchase her creations!
@ab_chalkdesigns creates the perfect simple sign for any occasion. Whether it is for a wedding, menu board or a art piece @ab_chalkdesigns creates clean crisp readable signs! Less is always more! For more information go to http://abchalkdesigns.com to spice up your next event.